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6 More Handy Things To Do With Wi-Fi Smart Plugs

Written by Brad Halverson | February 12, 2021 at 7:50 PM

If six handy things to do with Wi-Fi smart controls wasn’t enough, you’re in luck. Automating your home doesn’t have to be complicated and the possibilities are endless. Enjoy six more ways to simplify your life with easy-to-use smart controls.

1. You serious, Clark?

A lot has changed since the Griswold’s home was adorned in 25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights. For starters, there is a better way to power your decorations than a rat’s nest of wires plugged into an outlet and controlled by a mystery switch. The Enbrighten Wi-Fi Smart Yard Stake features six simultaneously controlled outlets to support not only your Christmas lights, but all your outdoor décor.

2. Fake it

Whether you’re home or on a trip around the world, keep nefarious characters at bay with automations and remote operation. Provide peace of mind by turning on lights, fans, radios and more in various rooms to create a lived-in appearance. By combining scheduled events with periodic operation from your smartphone increases uncertainty even if a pair of bandits are casing the joint.

3. Don’t go chasing waterfalls

Peace of mind comes in multiple forms. There’s something serene about a water fountain or garden feature, and when it operates on its own, all you have to do is relax and enjoy. The Enbrighten Outdoor Plug-in Wi-Fi Smart Switch supports up to 1/3HP pumps to create a calming atmosphere for your morning meditation or sunset reflection.

4. Cool it

Use outside influences to improve your inside living space. Through the automation feature, weather-related factors in your area, like temperature, can trigger your smart devices. This is perfect for rooms or homes without central air. Connect a portable air conditioner to an indoor Wi-Fi plug and create an automation for your desired temperature. When the thermometer hits that temperature, the AC kicks in to keep you cool and comfortable.

5. Lights out

Bedtime can be one of the biggest fights of the day for parents. Whether your child enjoys reading, watching TV or a quick game, setting a countdown provides a definitive end to the evening. With lights or plug-in electronics connected to Wi-Fi smart controls, power is turned off after the selected duration to let your child know it is time for bed. You can also use your phone to make sure everything is shut down.

6. Breathe easy

Humidifiers are a common accessory to improve sleep. However, you don’t always want to leave it running until morning. Enhancing your humidifier with a Wi-Fi plug is the perfect, quick solution. Set the device to turn off any amount of time after you go to sleep or create multiple ON/OFF commands throughout the night to maintain the ideal climate with no hassle.


Shop all of our Wi-Fi smart controls here.