Simply getting outside anywhere you can is good for your soul, your body and
Jasco partnered with some incredible bloggers and had them try out our favorite EcoSurvivor products to see which products they couldn't live without. Here’s the outdoor gear products each of the bloggers loved during their various adventures.
Run Wild My Child: Portable Bluetooth Speaker & USB LED Lantern
Favorite Feature: Durable products that even her kids can't destroy
credit: @RunWildMyChild
Run Wild My Child firmly believes in the importance of getting children outdoors and shares her families’ inspiring travel moments with us for inspiration. How kids learn, how kids develop and how kids have fun is believed to be highlighted through their interaction with nature. This blogger’s daughter is a minimalist with spunk as she throws a party of one outside her playhouse (see picture above) in the backyard with only one key item - EcoSurvivor’s Portable Bluetooth Speaker. A speaker is a must-have to set any desired mood and add life to any party.
EcoSurvivor’s Bluetooth Speaker stands out with its 30-foot range, giving you access to your favorite playlists from a distance, making it a great equipment item to bring while hiking outdoors. With a battery that lasts up to 12 hours, a USB port for charging other devices, a durable design built to last amongst dirt, water or strong impact and a purpose with every purchase, this speaker is unique in its category.
This blogger also enjoyed the EcoSurvivor USB Camping Lantern and its ability to resist the wear and tear that children naturally bring to the things they touch. The lantern has three different settings that can be changed for just the right amount of illumination on the campsite, hiking trail or adventures in the backyard with up to a 200-hour battery life on low. With two children under 5 years old, it’s always playtime and long-lasting outdoor gear is a must-have.
Simplify, Live, Love: USB LED Lantern
Favorite Feature: 360-Degree Omnidirectional Lighting 
credit: @SimplifyLiveLove
SimplifyLiveLove is a countryside blogger residing in Iowa who shares tips on cooking, gardening, homesteading and traveling to inspire families to get back to their roots of simple living. With the idea of stepping away from busy lifestyles and getting back to nature after a long hiatus, she brought along just a few necessities to ensure “fun” was at the forefront of their week-long camping trip to Yellowstone.
One of the items she couldn't live without is a camping lantern, which illuminates the camping site ensuring their family time playing games together could continue into the evening. With its 360-degree LED lighting with 800 lumens brightening up their circle, the party never has to end!
Travel Inspired Living: USB LED Lantern & Portable Battery Charging Pack
Favorite Feature: USB Charging Port and charging in the wilderness
credit: @TravelInspiredLiving
Travel Inspired Living is a blogger from Ohio who has the earthy luxury of never being too far from the woods. She, her husband and oldest son set out on an adventure that was walking distance from their house! Being close to home, you may not need a lot of equipment when you set out. But in the case of an emergency, you are never close enough.
This blogger was sold when it came to the USB charging feature of the EcoSurvivor lantern. While camping in remote woods, the chance of your phone dying can bring much anxiety to what is supposed to be a relaxing experience. The ability to charge your devices in case of emergency brought a great relief while also allowing her to stay connected with the outside world if she chose to do so.
Travel Inspired Living is no stranger to bad days while outdoors, or having to rely on the elements to survive. She once went on a mission trip to the mountains of Honduras where water had limited availability. In this area water was only available to drink when it was fully filtered. The world water crisis is something she has experienced firsthand, making the solution Water4 and EcoSurvivor products a huge bonus for her favorite outdoor gear.
Real Mom Reviews: USB LED Lantern
Favorite Feature: Locking Carabiner Handle
credit: @realmomreviews
Real Mom Reviews took her family “boondocking” in their RV by the Grand Canyon. Because there weren’t any RV parks close by and they were solely relying on their solar panels and the amount of water they had brought with them, trouble was bound to arise (especially since children aren’t particularly savvy at preservation).
Luckily a trip to the gas station wasn’t far away for this blogger, so her and her family made the venture out to restock supplies after five days. The whole scenario prompted her to deeply appreciate her water source and the cause that EcoSurvivor supports by funding water projects that help entire villages clean water for their people in Africa.
Another issue that comes up while camping is finding your way in the dark. She loved the locking carabiner handle feature of the lantern. You don’t always have Hansel and Gretel breadcrumbs to find your way back to the campsite after a trek off into the woods! Setting the lantern on a tree limb to light a pathway and serve as a landmark to get you back on track is another plus to the sturdy handle. It also helps keep your tent lit to organize and see your way around the space by hanging the lantern from the top crossbar of the tent by the handle.
Little Family Adventure: USB LED Lantern
Favorite Feature: Water and dust-proof products (IP54 Rating Protection)
credit: @LilFamAdventure
Little Family Adventure took her family RV-ing on Spring Break to a lake in North Texas. Being from Oklahoma, she was shocked to know that the Water4 organization that EcoSurvivor partners with is based out of her home state! It can be so surprising what is stationed just down the street without you ever knowing about it.
There is one thing all Okies know about, however, and that is our unpredictable weather. One minute it can be clear skies and shining sun only to be followed by a nasty thunderstorm within hours with no heads-up.
Whether the purpose of your lantern is to illuminate just the right amount of brightness with 3 different settings, benefit from the 360-degree omnidirectional lighting to make every angle around you gleam, to last amongst the elements of sand, dust, rain, splashing water, impact and everything else nature throws your way, or serve as a back-up plan for charging your electronic devices for emergency or leisurely uses, the EcoSurvivor USB LED Lantern provides solutions for various scenarios.
The EcoSurvivor outdoor gear products are durable, reliable and challenge you to “out-camp” them. But by far the best part about these products and more reason to be inspired to get outdoors is the purpose behind every product. Being prepared for your adventures is key to having a successful camping or hiking trip, but the philanthropic aspect behind every moment that you use your gear is what gives you the extra push to keep going when the elements get tough.