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How to Avoid Bedtime Struggles with Night Lights and Cuddles

Written by Christye Cook | March 6, 2017 at 8:11 PM

“The boogie man's in there!” “There’s monsters under my bed!” “Can you keep the light on in my closet?” As a parent, you’ve most likely heard these and experienced the same bedtime battle each night with your little one. As soon as you get them into bed, you hear the cries for mommy or daddy because they can’t sleep. The bedtime fight to get your little one to bed is an age old problem, but can technology actually help make this easier?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is crucial to children development and it is important that they get the target amount of sleep for their age every night. The key to helping kids get to sleep and stay asleep on their own is to create a positive sleep environment and this is where night lights come into play.

1. Night lights for Bedtime

As you can tell from the chart above, sleep is a crucial part of the development process. Luckily creating a positive sleep environment is easy with night lights! And let’s face it, having to keep the closet light on every night can become pretty costly so night lights are a great option to keep the monsters and the bill collectors away.

To create a positive sleep environment they need to be able to feel safe and comfortable. With night lights ranging from Spiderman to Hello Kitty and even Finding Nemo, there are plenty of choices to choose from. Kids will love having their favorite character or cartoon projected right on the ceiling or wall when they are going to bed. This makes your child feel safer and let's face it, you get brownie points as a parent, too.

Another benefit is the night lights are energy efficient and light sensing so as soon as the lights come on they will turn off–saving you money and giving you peace of mind.  

2. Setting a Bedtime Routine

We cannot stress this enough. Setting a consistent routine and sticking to it is crucial for encouraging bedtime and developing your child’s “internal clock.” As a busy parent, this can be a challenge, but applying this method will help bedtime become a more natural and consistent routine.

To help with bedtime struggles, bring on the snuggles. Take about 20-30 minutes before bed to spend with your child and help them unwind and relax. Use this time to cuddle up and have story time. You can even incorporate one of the Disney character Projectables so your little one really feels like they are in the story.

The Motion Projectables Night Lights are great for kids that are a little older and no longer afraid of monsters, but still want a little light at night to help them relax and drift off to sleep. These Projectables cast a relaxing display of Space Nebula or the Northern Lights that slowly move across the ceiling. Find out more about the Motion Projectables Night Lights here.

3. Self-Soothe

Another way to create a positive sleep environment and to make sure your child gets the sleep they need is to self-soothe. An article on advises letting your child self-soothe by giving them something that will help comfort them. They mention giving your child tools such as a spray bottle with imaginary “monster spray” in it, or a large stuffed animal to protect them. They even recommend setting a flashlight or mini-lantern next to their bed just to make them feel a little bit safer. We know these tips are easier said than done, but we truly believe that if followed, these tips can help ease the bedtime struggles.

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