Your college checklist might seem like a never-ending list of things you'll need before you leave for school this fall, and that may be somewhat true. Many of these basic items like twin XL bedding, a shower caddy and storage bins are no-brainers when it comes to college stuff you know you'll need. Here is a list of 5 forgotten dorm essentials you actually need but probably didn't think about. Many students won’t discover they need these items until they’re in a pinch, like the night before a presentation or when a small paper cut becomes infected and the closest antibacterial ointment is miles away at a CVS store instead of in your dorm room (see #5 below).
As students head back to school, there are a few essential items.
No matter the time of year, students will always need supplies to get them through their classwork. It's best if parents avoid waiting until the last minute to purchase supplies, as they'll risk missing out on important items. There are two important periods when students should re-stock on their supplies, with summer being the big one.
Topics: Around the Home, News, Power
The average household today has more than four USB or mobile powered devices. This number will continue to grow as the number of USB-dependent devices increases in 2015 and beyond. Many people still rely on standard AC wall receptacles to charge these devices. The time has come to upgrade those standard outlets to USB in-wall charging receptacles. If you find yourself with three or more USB-dependent devices, make the investment to turn your standard AC outlets into an all-around charging station solution.
Topics: How To, Around the Home, Power
Tips for choosing the right surge protector for your home or office
Posted August 3, 2015 at 02:57 PM
Buying a surge protector is something everyone who uses electronics should do. A surge protector will keep your expensive electronics safe from any damage that can come as a result of a surge in the amount of electricity coming out of the outlets. Because these devices serve such an important function, you need to make sure that you're purchasing the right one for you.
Topics: How To, Around the Home, Power
USB chargers allow you to get your battery back to 100 percent even if you're not close to a wall outlet.
We live in a world of mobile devices and rapid technological innovation - but even in this sleek modern era, one holdover of an increasingly distant past strangles efficiency: Cords and standard plug-in outlets for recharges.